Drow Elves
Kru’jat led his fellow drow to the ambush spot. His orders were clear. The dwarven miners were getting too close to the drow’s hidden city, but after tonight, they would delve no further…
Kru’jat, a Drow Elf
The drow were unknown to the denizens of the surface world until recently. Even other creatures of the underworld only heard of the race through rumors and half-mythical stories. The magnificent cities and structures created by the drow were viewed by very few outsiders, as the locales were kept secret, protected by traps, magic, and a network of fortifications and soldiers.
The Religion of Industry
The drow pattern their entire way of life by the strength and beauty of the work of the insects of the Underworld. These insects, though seemingly small and insignificant, create great structures, while at the same time having the power to destroy even the greatest enemy. Their structures are built with materials as fine and as strong as spider webs. Their fortifications are like the colonies of ants: defensible and carefully planned.
The religious ceremonies of the drow also follow patterns of insectoid energy and cooperation. Everyone has a place, from the weakest to the most powerful. If one fails to do their job well, all will suffer the consequences. Careful planning and execution can overcome any obstacle.
Roleplaying Tips
Most drow were born into a civilization that survived and thrived on order, stability, rational thought, and careful planning. Within a drow elf’s lifetime, they likely watched all of that come crashing down. Some within their ranks want to completely change the way drow live, create new rules and new ways of life, and do everything and anything to survive. Others believe this is naught but a new test of their people’s resolve, and that only by remaining faithful to the old ways can they defeat their enemy. Wherever your character come down on this debate, you have a new, strange world in front of you.
The Core Content Pack includes two subraces of drow: the delver and the purified. The delver are the workers whose laborers prop up most of drow society. They were trained from birth to follow orders and serve the collective. They learned your trade well, whether it was building or fighting or erecting the traps that protected passages to their population centers. They make excellent martial characters. The purified were born into the caste that produces the leaders and planners, the priests and wizards, the generals and officers of drow society. Their people, it is believed, were tested by the beneficent powers they worship, and they passed those tests to become something more. They believe their innate magic proves their superiority over your fellows. They make natural leaders for any party.
The drow are one of the many races created by our partners at Kobold Press and available to subscribers in our Core Content Pack, along with others such as the Dhampir or the Spindrift Dwarves. Create your own frostfell elf character and tell us about it in the comments below or on any of our social channels.
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