Introduction to Books
While books in Shard provide a digital equivalent of printed D&D books, they are also a fundamental building block for creating and sharing your own creations.
All of your books can be found in your library
Recently viewed shows the most recent books that you have viewed. If there are books that you refer to frequently you can click the star to mark them as favorites and they will always show at the top of your library. If you accumulate many books then you will get a link to a full page view of the library that allows you to filter and search to find the right books.
Viewing Books
Books are organized into Chapters, Sections and Subsections. Each chapter is shown as a scrollable page. The table of contents (TOC) allows you to easily see the structure of sections and subsections and to scroll the chapter find content quickly. Note: the > symbol next to a section means that you can expand it to see the subsections.
Book View with TOC always showing
When there is enough space the table of contents will display allowing you to navigate the book.
Book TOC hidden
Click book token to show
Book TOC shown
Books in Campaign
When you use a book in a campaign it provides more than just the text to tell you about the adventure story. There are several actions that you can perform from the book.
Click PICK BOOK to select a book for your campaign
If you have used other books then recently used books will be shown
Encounter Links
Encounter links display to the left of the section title. Click to see the encounters and click the specific encounter to start that encounter, add its monsters, tokens and treasure to the combat tracker.
Map Links
Map links also display to the left of the section title. Click to see the map locations and click the specific map pin to change the selected map and move to the pin location.
Click on maps displayed in books to change the selected map
Text Handouts
Inset boxed text can be shown to players as a handout by clicking the text.
Inline box text in book
Handout shown over the map to players
Artwork Handouts
Clicking inline artwork will show a larger version of the artwork and give you the option to display the artwork as a handout.
Artwork dialog
Artwork handout
Random Encounters
Random Encounter Table
Click the dragon to add to the encounter.
You can add random encounters directly from the book. Click the dragon icon to add the creatures to the encounter.