Item Quantities

Managing quantities for items that are the same, has been a challenge. If character has a bunch of daggers you don’t want see them individually, but at the same time you want to be able to equip one in each hand. If you have more than one wand of fireballs, they don’t have the same use count.

Shard now collapses items on the character sheet, in shared treasure and treasure for encounters when the items are the same. To be the same the items need to have all of the same attributes in addition to having the same name.

The character sheet has some special handling to ensure that quantities work correctly with the abilities of the items. As a result there are cases where a group of items may be separated on the character sheet to enable the independent actions.

Equip’ing an Item: when an item is equip’ed that a character has more than one then the group will be split such that a single item will be equip’ed and the remaining items will be listed separately. When the item is no longer equip’ed then if the items are still identical the grouping will be collapsed again. Hint: weapons were previously automatically split so that they could be equip’ed in multiple hands. Equip’ing and then un-equip-ing one of the items will attempt to recombine all of the weapons.

Attuning an Item: similar to equip’ing an item attuning or un-attuning an item may cause a split or merge.

Using an Item: if an item has a use count then changing the use count will split the grouping so that each item can track it’s usage independently. For example, if you have some treasure that had multiple wands of fireballs then using the wand will separate the group so that each can track their usage independently.

Editing an Item: if you modify an item on the character sheet by editing it directly, then only a singe one of the group will be modified. It will be separated and the remaining items will not be edited. If you really want to edit them all then edit one, change it’s quantity and delete the previous version.


Encumbrance & Carried Equipment


Unidentified Items