Spell Tokens

Spell tokens are a special type of map token used to represent the area of effect for a spell that are controlled by the players. Spell tokens come in a variety of shapes (cone, cube, cylinder, line, sphere, rectangle) in a choice of colors or can be an artwork image. They can be added directly or from a spell. Note: you can use spell tokens to represent anything that you want the player to control on the map.

Look for the magic wand tool to add a spell token from the player view, either at the top of the page or next to a spell.

Spell Details

The spell details show the spell information, allow you to make rolls for the spell. The ADD SPELL TOKEN button allows you to directly add a spell token to the map as well.

Spell Token Dialog

The spell token dialog allows you to define the details of the spell token

  • Name: name to show for the spell token. This will show as the name for future selections to allow you to easily reuse the same spell token.

  • Shape: pick the type of shape to display. Note: could also be an image.

  • Show as Token: generally not needed for players. If selected then the gamemaster can moves the token like any other character or monster token.

  • Include in Combat: generally not needed for players. If checked then this token will appear in the combat tracker and have a turn. Generally used if the token is representing something that can perform its own action during combat.

  • Length/Width: allows you to configure the size of the token on the map.

  • Color: select the color for a shape. Will not display if an image is selected.

  • Pick Image: allows you to select an image to display for the token. This will change the shape to image as well.


Underground Oracle Session 1

