Toggle Effects

There are many feature abilities of characters that are only available in certain circumstances. Instead of having the player manually apply those effects, toggle effects make it easy for a player to turn the effect on or off based on the game situation.

Example: Sneak Attack - sneak attack gives a bonus to damage but only if the attack has advantage or there is an enemy of the target within 5 feet. The toggle effect could be turned on if the conditions are true applying the extra damage during the damage roll. Since many players will attempt to make the conditions frequently true, they can easily leave the effect enabled until something changes.

A toggle effect for a feature can be configured using the “Set Toggle Effect” option on a feature. The feature name will be used to name the toggle effect and the description will show if the user clicks the effect name on the character sheet. Activation of the toggle effect will display a dialog to configure any user selectable options if there are options to set.

Disabled toggle effects can have some values shown in action rolls. This makes it possible to add some of the effects of a toggle effect to a roll directly without having to activate the toggle effect.

  • For D20 rolls the To Hit Bonus will be shown as a roll modifier option.

  • For damage rolls the Damage Bonus and if there is a single Extra Damage Bonus specified will be shown as a roll modifier.


Usage Values


Feature Actions