Chat Spellcasting

Clicking the cast button for a spell on the character sheet will add the cast spell information to the chat log in addition to consuming any spell slots or uses. This makes it easy for the gamemaster and other players to see what spell has been cast as well as displaying key casting information that is actionable.

Cast spell details:

  • Cast spell includes a link the spell to view spell details making it easy for the gamemaster to quickly check what the spell does. The add spell token magic wand button adds a spell token to the map. Note: that the header includes the level that the spell was cast.

  • Hit/DC displays any savings throw or attack rolls for the spell. Both saves and attack rolls are clickable. See below for saving throw behavior.

  • Effect displays healing or damage effects from the spell along with damage types. Clicking either will make the rolls.

Saving Throws

Saving throws for spells allow for other players or the gamemaster to make saving throw rolls. This makes it easy to make the appropriate saving throw. For the gamemaster, a separate roll is made for each selected creature.

In this example the saving throw was made for two selected Crypt Spiders. Note: that the roll also indicates the success status of the saving throw.

Gamemasters get an additional option on damage rolls made from the cast spell, connected with saving throws. If all of the selected creatures had saving throws performed from the spell and the damage is clicked from the cast spell then there is an additional option for applying damage.

Save Damage will apply damage based on the saving throw success status for each selected creature and either apply full or half damage. This makes it much easier to handle many area of effect spells, like fireball.

  1. Player casts spell.

  2. Gamemaster selected creatures impacted by the spell and rolls saving throws.

  3. Player rolls damage.

  4. Gamemaster selects Save Damage option on the rolled damage and full/half damage is appropriately applied to the selected creatures.


Dice Rolls


Chat Link Sharing