Clicking on any dice roll from inside the campaign links results in a dice roll displayed in the chat log. The results of the dice roll show the dice along with information about the roll. The displayed roll also includes a variety of actions for modifying the roll, viewing information about the roll, or performing actions based on the roll.

For example, clicking on the to-hit value of a weapon will roll an attack.

The result of the roll includes information about the roll:

  • Link to the item that used for the attack

  • Type of roll “TO HIT” indicating an attack

  • The description of the roll “1d20+7”

  • The dice rolled with sum of dice roll

The Advantage/Disadvantage links allow you to roll with advantage or disadvantage.

Clicking the damage text results in a damage roll for the weapon. The critical hit link changes the attack into a critical hit and rolls extra dice.


To edit the dice roll click the dice. Click any of the dice to reroll the die, which is useful for features that allow rerolling ones or twos. You can also delete the roll here as well.

To directly apply damage or healing click the sum of a damage or healing roll. Players modify the HP of the current character and gamemasters can bulk apply to all selected creatures. For damage rolls full and half damage options are available to make it easy to handle resistance. Note: for vulnerability just apply full damage twice.

Custom Rolls

There are some cases where a Gamemaster or player may need to roll dice without having a link to click. To make a custom roll click the dice icon next to the message box.

Click any dice to add dice to roll. The +1/-1 buttons allow you to include an extra bonus with the roll. Then push the roll button to roll the dice or the X to cancel the roll. Hint: if you click too many of a dice then click the X to start over.

Hiding Rolls

Gamemasters don’t always want to display all of their rolls. In addition to setting the default display state of a roll, the display state can be set on each individual roll. Click the eye button next to the message box to change the default sharing state. Click the eye icon next to the roll to change the display state for just one roll.

Display Settings:

  • Show Roll Details: Show all of the information about a roll to everyone. Note: Names of monsters will be hidden if the name is hidden.

  • Show Roll Only: Shows the dice but not of the bonuses or other information. This simulates the Gamemaster visibly rolling, but not telling players the final result.

  • Hide Roll: doesn’t show rolls to players at all.

Gamemaster View

Player View: Show Roll Only

Player View: Show Roll Details


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Chat Spellcasting